Witchy Spring Cleaning: Ways to Refresh Your Home and Energy
It’s that time of the year where I really get the itch to clean and rearrange my house! I’m generally not a neat freak and I loathe the idea of doing housework. I’m more of a “I’ll go play in the garden and deal with the dishes later” kind of witch. But there’s something about the way the sunlight feels, the bits of green grass, and the spring song birds that really make me want to roll up my sleeves and clean everything! In order to get some energetic cleaning done too, I often combine the mundane and the magical to make the best of my time. I mean, there’s a whole yard and garden to prep out there! The less time I have to spend inside, the better! So let’s talk about ways we can cleanse and refresh our home’s energy!
Pledge of Allegiance, Sunday School, and Glamour Magic
I grew up in a tiny town—really, more of a village—in western Nebraska. One of my earliest school memories is learning the Pledge of Allegiance, standing every morning with my hand on my heart, hoping I didn’t mess it up. As we got older, we took turns raising, lowering, and folding the flag that flew in front of our little school. It was an honor, especially in sixth grade, to be entrusted with such a responsibility. The flag, as we were taught, was a symbol of pride in our country.
Witch, Take Care Of Yourself
“…..I’ve decided that what I’d like to contribute, are ways to spirituality and energetically protect yourself. I’m going to share some ways we, as witches, can align ourselves with some protection energy so that in all the mud slinging, we can stay clear of the energetic filth that comes with it."